I sang o’er a hero’s grave today.


Is this how it was when they laid

Beowulf to rest?


Stalwart and dauntless,

He knew nothing of the warfare of violence,

But in the battle of Obedience,

He was master and champion.

Obedience he learned, as did our Sovereign,

by way of great suffering.


When they placed Arthur in the tomb,

Was it like this?


Ever at the lead, a prince among men.

And when we, timid, overrun and distraught,

Looked to him, bathed in glorious Light,

Our hearts were gladdened

And our resolve made strong.

‘O Captain! My Captain!’


Is this how it felt when happened,

‘I heard a voice, that cried,

“Balder the Beautiful is dead, is dead!” ‘?


I would be, yet again, at his side,

‘Once more unto the breach, dear friends,’

Shields shimmering and swords blazing,

And eyes bright shining with Joy.

I would hear, yet again, his clarion battle cry,

‘Jesus is Lord!’


‘Nevertheless, not my will…’


Rest, my friend, well earned.

And until we meet again,

I will soldier on.


I sang o’er a hero’s grave today.