Staring slack-jawed

Into death’s gaping maw,

Thought I heard the reaper’s call.

Are You?


Toes at the precipice,

Yawning bottomless abyss,

Thought I heard the serpent’s hiss.

Are You?


Body count still climbing,

Hear those funeral bells chiming,

Little baby, hush your crying.

Are You?


Black chasm. Soul spasm.

Guts. How I wish I had ‘em.

Said I’m just another bad ‘un.

Are You?


Seems You play a little rough.

Yeah, I think I’ve had enough.

Guess I ain’t got the right stuff.

Are You?


Sure. Keep my slice of pie.

Clipped wings are hard to fly.

Come on. Look me in the eye.

Are You?


I’m the captain of my fate.

A dollar short and a day late.

Try and squeeze through the gate.

Are You?


Are You?

Hell’s bells.





Yes, You Are.


Every tear and every sigh,

Ain’t no place too low or high,

Love, to lay our burdens by.

You Are.


Feel each hurt and every pain.

Hell to shun. Heaven to gain.

Wash away our crimson stain.

You Are.


Drops of blood fall like sweat,

Looks like it’s time to pay our debt,

Said we ain’t seen nothing yet.

You Are.


Holding deep sorrow’s loss.

Always skimming off the dross.

Thank God for that old rugged cross.

You Are.


Place of stillness in the storm.

Bright shining Star of the Morn.

Oh, Gabriel, blow your horn.

You Are.


Blinking through the streaming tears.

In a moment, gone the years.

Dawning Day is finally here.

You Are.


Wide-open heart full to bust.

In You alone I place my trust.

Forever merciful and just.

You Are.


The Word. The Vine. The Door. The Light.

The First. The Last. The Lamb of white.

The Gate. The Way, The Truth, The Life.

You Are.



Yes, You Are.

You Are.