Blossom of spring,
Summer’s full bloom,
Richness of autumn,
Winter’s plenitude.
Blissful routine,
Calamity unforeseen.
Hellious hatchet
Severing life from limb
Trunk and root;
Like heaven’s hammer
Falls the hoar frost.
Crystalline tentacles
Reaving and roving,
Grasping and groping,
Blanching death white
All they touch.
Pitched battle interminable.
In its ruinous wake,
Wasted and blasted,
Feeble and spent.
In the waning
There is a turning.
In diminishing,
Dark chrysalis,
Bright metamorphosis.
Pure, piercing, blinding Light
Ne’er seen by mortal eye.
Light not of this world,
But of sevenfold
Lamp and Star.
Voice of many waters,
Face like the sun at full,
Eyes aflame with fire,
And from His mouth,
A sharp two-edged sword.
Behold, death undone.
Behold, The Resurrection.
Behold, The Life.
And All Things
Shall be made new.
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