Looking down the years
From that first day when
We knew.
But how could we foresee
All that the future
Held in store?
Dreams lost and battles won.
Hearts bursting with joy
Among unnumbered tears.
Knowing as we know now
Would we say the same
Yes, I do?
Had another path sufficed?
Another to each of us
Become one?
Perhaps. But the choice
Was in our hearts and
We made it.
Foolish in youth, yes,
But, by grace, wise beyond
Our years.
And down the long days
And fleeting years we march
Hand in hand.
Neither unbruised nor unscathed,
But cherishing each moment
Good and bad.
For moment is all we are,
All we hope to have
In this life.
Gasping, gulping each breath
On this brief passage
Through time.
Though woolen hair
And lined faces tell
Another tale.
And this long, brief moment
We share together is
More than enough.
And so we were.
And so we are.
And so we will be.
Hand in hand,
Come, grow old with me.
Love this! Happy anniversary to two of my favorite people.