A great light has gone out.

A great light has gone out in the world and we are, all of us, diminished.

But that this light shone whatsoever, we are altogether blessed.

For this was the most accurate facsimile of the Original Brilliance encountered in this temporal life.

Constant. Deliberate. Sacrificial.

A great light has gone out.

But that this light shone among us, we are altogether enriched.

For this was a clear and piercing reflection of that greatest light, the Light of Man.

Virtuous. Illuminating. Beneficial.

A great light has gone out.

Who can number the myriad points of light ignited and emboldened by this bright beacon?

Who can fathom the reflecting basin gathered by this glinting laver?

Who can speak of this multiplied luminance?


A great light has gone out.

Still. It shines.

Beloved light.