It seems I’ve cried this tear before
And felt this ache within.
Once, a thousand times or more,
And here I am again.

Familiar grief on my soul preys,
Old fears and doubt assail.
Creeping comes the grim malaise,
Courage begins to fail.

Darkness closes in about me,
Hounds nipping at my feet.
Light and warmth retreat and flee,
Old wounds begin to bleed.

Eyes wild with fear and frantic full,
Head darting side to side.
Soon I feel the coward’s pull,
I want to run and hide.

It’s said You know my every fear,
With grief well acquainted.
Without that hope, sure and dear,
My heart should have fainted.

Though my bed with tears wetted be,
The night filled with weeping,
Your promised joy awaits me
When I rise from sleeping.

So hold me close within Your wing,
Be shelter over me.
And I will trust, while You sing,
And let be what will be.